We are GROHE Team Ocean with a mission to row across the mid-Pacific in order to raise awareness the impact climate change is having on our water availability. We, Bela Evers (Transformation Consultant & Ocean Rower), Joost Schutte (Youth Social Worker and Ex Marine), Ruurd Dasselaar (Dentist) and Wilco van Rooijen (Professional mountain climber and polar explorer), will set out in May 2025 from California and row non-stop 4500km in shifts of 2 hours on and 2 hours off to Hawaii. Following this we will hike to Mount Kea the highest peak in Hawaii – literally going from Sea to Summit. It’s going to be tough to say the least but the mission is clear. In preparation for this tour and to create more awareness around water in Europe, we will row along the Rhine from Summit base to the North Sea (Rotterdam).
Our Story
Being outdoor adventurers, we are grateful to be so close and ‘as one’ with nature. Climate change, behaviours and infrastructure will have an impact on our water supply, and we want to create positive awareness for this growing challenge.

The world holds only 2.5% of fresh water and we as human beings consist of 60% of water, yet there is no alternative to this much needed resource. Already more than 40% of the world’s population live in water-stressed areas, and water demand is expected to rise 55% over the next 30 years (source: OECD). By rowing the Pacific it is our mission to raise awareness and change behaviours when it comes to how we go about using and treating water.
We will use our expedition as a ‘living lab’ to highlight the need of being self-sufficient on water usage, making our own drinking water using minimum energy. We will use less than 8 liters of water per day (per person) while the average Dutch citizen uses 129 liters (Source: CBS). So every drop counts, literally. As part of the mission, we will create awareness, school programs, citizen initiatives and company programs, but we can’t do this without the support of partners and sponsors, so hop on board. Sitting back is NOT an option.
Let’s row this ocean together and create #AQUAWARENESS.
It is our mission to have a cirriculum about water in schools. See how we are working towards making this a reality, by offering primary schools in Holland a guest lesson about our water. Read more (in Dutch)

Our Core Values
Our Values as a Team
- Work together
- Respect for nature and each other
- No room for ego's
Extraordinary Experiences
Adventure frees the heart and brings with it extraordinary experiences. Between the team we have climbed mountains, rowed an ocean, crossed the polars and more… being outdoor adventurers has magnified the superiority of nature.
We are nothing compared to the mighty elements around us and it is the art of being ‘as one’ with mother nature that tests us as humans. The extraordinary experience is not what you do but how you come out of it the other side.
The Timeline
October 1, 2022
Test Row
We take our first row together with Ralph Tuijn with strong winds. Wilco rows for the first time experiencing blisters and sore back side. But he craves for more.
October 8th, 2022
Boat in Zutphen – Training Begins
The energies are with us. We are spurred into our dream thanks to the loan boat from Ralph. Guests rowers join us for training – who will join us in the team?
January 10th 2023
Campaign Begins
Starting our campaign involves, PR, marketing and even building this website. We are getting the party started!
February to June 2023
Rowing Harderwijk to Amsterdam
We’ve done our river training on the IJssel and heading on a little expedition from Harderwijk to Amsterdam over the course of 3 months (read our blog).
June- July 2023
Finalization of team and our boat
We’ve finalized the team and collected our boat from the UK. The next level training is about to begin!
Late Summer - Winter2023
Long Distance Training
Training long distance. From the IJssel to the IJsselmeer, the Waddenzee and finally taking the boat out to the North Sea. (Read our Blog)
January 2024
Family Day
Time to meet the families and close friends who will be behind us every stroke of the way. Raising a glass for the New Year together.
Mar - June 2024
Training on the North Sea
We’ll be training on the Norh Sea and complete our training drills togther as a team. If weather allows we will even plan a row to Denmark in May!
June - July 2024
From Summit to Sea in Europe
We’ll be climbing a hill in Switzerland where the glaciers will soon dissappear (in 2040 as predicted by some). This is the source of our fresh water supply, and we will follow the water from Summit to Sea. In Basel we will start rowing towards the North Sea in Rotterdam. Join us along the way as we activate people to also take action on water their supply.
August- December 2024
Training and Aquawareness Events
Our last training for the year, last maintenance of the boat and some events along the way to keep connected to our mission. E.g. Whole Holland Rows for Water. Check our events page!
Jan-March 2025
Last Preparations
After training for a year and a half as a team, time has come to realise this big adventure. Preparing the boat, food, and last logistics to make the start line in the US. And time to give the team a big send off.
April 2025
Farewell Party
The last training window… on the ergometers but most importantly, time to give the team a big send off. Join us as we say farewell on this epic water journey.
May 2025
This is the moment we have been living towards. Leaving the Netherlands, arriving in the US and taking our boat out for the last tests…This is going to be surreal.
Summer 2025
Mission Accomplished?
We aim to have completed the rowing part of the pacific crossing, but we will continue our quest from Sea to Summit by climbing Mount Kea, before we return back to the Netherlands. This expedition is a success when we have successfully raised water awareness. But what’s next? We’ll continue to give talks and raise awareness especially at schools.