We, GROHE TEAM OCEAN will be living off 6 liters water per day (pp) during our Rhine expedition. We start is Basel, which is the foot of the mountains and where the melted glaciers stream into the Rhine. Currently the Rhine supplies drinking water for over 20 million people in the basin and in the future that will be less. By 2040 it is expected that there will hardly be any glaciers left. How then to survive on less water. We’ll show you how during this trip. Support us and take action too on sustainable water behaviour in whatever way you can. Every drop counts. We have no alternative to this precious resource so let’s treat it well. How you can help:
 – Support us along the embankment during our trip – follow our journey. Check out our 3D map on the homepage.
–  Donate for water education
–  And of course help in reducing water consumption. Here is how. And if you have tips or succes in reducing your consumption, please share your stories via social media using the hashtag #AQUAWARENESS



We won’t be showering. Thats OK, we are in the same boat.

To keep fresh we will of course use baby wipes and a face towel. 

Did you know that a shower uses an average of 6 liters per minute (source: boilermarkt.nl). That also depends on the shower head of course. Our title sponsor GROHE is coming out with a shower timer. Keep an eye on their website for more information. A bath takes an average of 120 litres in total. To reduce water consumption, you too can skip a shower if not needed, or jump into the shower for no more than 3 minutes, reduce the pressure of the shower or simply #takeaplunge in outdoor clean open water. Either way ‘every drop counts’.



We wont throw our human waste overboard, but instead we will are using a compact composting toilet. It separates our solid waste and liquid waste. The solid waste we dry with a spray and the urine we’ll filter with the AQUA logic mobile unit (www.aqualogic.nl) (sponsored bij Nijhuis Saur). Thereafter we will responsibly dispose of our waste and without water. By using these products we support the IBOTA foundation.

Did you know that by using the small button on the lavatory you use upto 3.7 litres and the big button you use 6.7 litres. In Holland we use an average of 30 litres per day for flushing the loo. Maybe it’s a good idea to use the small button where possible or use use rain water to flush. 


We’ll be using about 350 ml per freeze dried menu on average. So just a liter or so for cooking. For hydration we’ll be drinking about 3-4 liters. And then the left over for an extra coffee treat or face wash. 

You too can save water in the kitchen. Re-use your boiled water from the boiled potatoes/pasta/eggs etc. Collect it in a bucket or jug and use this to water your plants or flushing water for the loo. Easy. And of course don’t keep the water running unnecessarily. 


We won’t be doing laundry or running the dishwasher. Of course these are uses of the house you can’t escape. Consumption for a washing load is 49 liters in Holland and per person that works out to 17 liters. So ask yourself the question… can I wear that shirt one more time before washing, can I wait for a full load wash instead of washing small loads each time. Great to be mindful.
As for the garden, we are lucky to have heavy rainfalls this last season. But how much of theta water do we capture and re-use. This is the future so if you are smart invest in a rain barrel and re-use that water when its more dry. 
Also washing your car uses lots of water. What one member of the team does is wash the car when its pouring with rain. Smart and using natures natural resource. And there are a lots more tips and tricks. 


These are just tips for households but the industrial water usage is just massive. We consume indirectly 4000  liters of water just by consuming goods like coffee, buying jeans, etc. That is known as indirect consumption. (Source Footprint Challenge). So for industrial water saving tips go to Footprint Challenge  or contact us for a workshop or talk to inspire your work environment for change. 


These are just a few tips. We are sure you have more. Or inspire others to let them know how much you use and save per day. We’d love to hear from you. Use hashtag #Aquawareness and inspire others.